PISA study 2015: Estonian basic education is number 1 in Europe!
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e-School is a supportive e-solution for teachers, pupils and parents which enables the development of high-quality education.
e-School is accessible through the web, mobile apps, and SMS messages.

- Student school absences reduced by 30% in 5 years
- 80% fewer school dropouts
- 50% less administrative work for teachers, saving on average 45 minutes a day
- 2 full working days per month freed for teaching time
- Notable increase in parental involvement– parents monitor up to 93% of grades and 87% of homework
- Eliminates paper-based administration
- Accessible anywhere, 24/7
- Increased transparency: everyone has access to the same up-to-date information
- All teachers can edit and enter information at the same time – no more fighting over record books!
eKool belongs to K12 Technologies group who has over 2.5 million users in 5 countries.